I have a style crisis as I have no job (a cause of a minor depression) and I’m moving flats hence no need to dress nicely. Today’s outfit was to attend the graduate fair at SECC. It kind of reminds me of the ‘Gossip Girl’ semi-uniforms style the girls wear at school.
The best thing today? The dinosaur posters along the SECC walkway. There was T-Rex, stegosaurus, triceratops, utahraptors and allosaurus. I couldn’t steal any of them though because they were basically giant stickers. A BIG disappointment.

For those who wanted different hair, here it is. As I sad, they don’t look good, I try to get them long again and they’re in that worst of stages.

tights, Tshirt, headband – Primark
skirt – Terranova
jacket – H&M
shoes – Deichmann

Also, recently, I started to feel rather disappointed by blogging. I am actually so much more than the mediocre clothes I show you and have more to say than telling you where do they come from. But then again, it might be because I don’t have a job and I’m just pissed off.
So stay well, until next time.

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Marta Dziok-Kaczyńska

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