I think I should regard myself lucky fashion-wise. As far as the coming autumn/winter season is concerned, I seem to have quite a lot of items already. I do have a bath coat styled winter coat, I have thigh-high boots as well. The boots were bought by my mum in some second hand place just for laughs, but I will get them down from Poland for the coming winter. I do have kind of 'sculpted’ skirt (see the previous post) and,last but not least, the lace top. I will not have to shop too much at all, which is rather a good thing.
As for the rest, I am really lucky to work 7 hrs tomorrow. I also have prospects for another job, yay me.
I am also so lucky to be in a very passionate relationship, passionate meaning that we argue fiercely every day for hours. If you’re a fan of SATC, it’s sth like Carrie and Big really. Of course in the end it always ends well, but I guess I quite like to get angry and Ell REALLY likes to make me angry just for fun.
I have only been unlucky today to be thrown out of the swimming pool as they were closing earlier. Bloody bank holiday.
Here I am in front of the entrance to my building.

skirt – ??; top – vintage M&S, a gift from Ell’s mum; rest is Primark