Picture of Riennahera


How ‘barbarian’ was barbarian kingship in the period 450-750?

Well, almost not at all.
The barbarians’ exam is in the past now. Two to go. Animation on Tuesday (yay!it is amazing how one can enjoy an exam so much!) and Women and Gender Relations on Saturday (for which I don’t give a damn, sorry, prof.Abrams).

I do have few good tips as for the general behaviour:

-DO NOT start reading your notes about 11 PM the night before the exam
-DO NOT go to bed at 1.30 AM when your exam is at 9.30 am
-DO NOT put the pens in unknown places (I still have not found them)
-DO NOT leave for your exam starting 9.30 am at 9.10 am
-DO NOT turn on the computer in the morning of the exam when you don’t need it for anything.

-DO keep the change for the bus the day before, especially if you leave for the exam at 9.10 am
-DO respect bus drivers, they are good people, they let stupid people pay for the ticket the amount they have in their wallet (one pound coin), not the amount the ticket actually is
-DO choose your outfit the day before, otherwise you end up looking like that:

pictured by unfortunate Benzo Harris

I am not going to write where the single pieces come from, you probably hate them as much as I do. I had to put this pictures on as a warning.

The day was tough. Enjoyable (shopping, 2 x free hug from the ‘Free Hug Initiative’ in front of QM Union, gym), but tough and tiresome nevertheless.

But you know what? These guys can now go fuck themselves.

And this is what counts.

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