I have been rather uncreative lately and don’t have much to show. I have a bunch of mediocre pictures and I’m afraid I will have to stick with them for now until I find my muse again.
I’m working at horse races today until 1 am, then have Sunday off, then work again on Monday. I don’t see any creativity coming anytime soon 🙁

dress – Internationale; headband – H&M; all the rest – Primark
Funny story about the shoes. When I left home and it was too late to change them after I realised I don’t really like them with the rest of the outfit, they decided to commit a suicide. A wee strap that hold the shoe together broke, and so I was, on the way to do some big foodshopping and with one shoe.
P.S. I would like to thank First Scotrail, Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and the crew of Anniesland Rail Station for their co-operation during the shoot 😉