cardigan – thrifted; shorts, vest – Primark; shoes – Urban Outfitters; bag – Tk Maxx; faux fur collar – H&M;
Photos by Dasha Miller
Wrocila wiosna, wrocilo slonce,wrocily temperatury powyzej 10’C, a to oznacza jedno – smierc Kiziaczka. Niczym odwrotna Persefona przez 6 miesiécy bedzie wladac na dnie szafy, aby powstac z martwych w okolicach pazdziernika. Wiem, ze wielu z Was, Szubrawcow, cieszy sie niezmiernie jego nadchodzaca nieobecnoscia. Ten sie smieje kto sie smieje ostatni. Zombie nie maja litosci.
English: Spring is back and even in Glasgow the weather has been pretty decent lately. That means only one thing, my faux fur collar known as Fluffy will have to go. Like a reverse Persephone it will be ruling the underworld of the bottom of my wardrobe to come back about October. Don’t be too happy for I have heard that zombies have little mercy.