This is my part in the fashion project initiated by harel. The rules were to wear a single vintage/secondhand piece of clothing and build the outfit based on it. Check harel’s blog out for more girls with much better outfits than mine, which I only came out with the morning (I had SUCH a hangover) I was supposed to have the picture taken by wonderful Benzo.

I did not stick to the rules, though, as I chose the outfit to make it go along with the shoes, rather than the vintage skirt handed down from my mum’s friend. I really wanted to wear white trainers that day. As for the skirt, it is one of my favourite things in my wardrobe, which doesn’t neccessarily mean I wear it too often. It has been featured on the blog quite a few times though, which is a bit weird to me.

My whole body looks bad due to something I cannot define. It looks SO much better in the mirror, so I will blame the alcohol the night before :)Also, I took the first bra I could find in the morning, not a good choice at all (hangover). So I look fat, hangover and badly dressed, hard times, very hard times.

Anyway, I hope you like it a little bit:

fot.Benzo Harris

skirt – vintage
top – H&M
headband – H&M
shoes – Atmosphere @ Primark

Od kilku dni nie mogłam się doczekać zdjęć reszty dziewczyn. Ale chyba każda z nas czuła to samo 🙂
Spódnica i ja czujemy się dumne, będąc częścią czegoś tak fajnego 🙂

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